Let's have
a Chat

Laku Neg is committed to fostering a thriving future for African and African diaspora arts and culture.
We recognise that creative and expressive arts are at the heart of our wellbeing.
We also recognise that our world is changing - Institutions, Collections and Education are making change
By offering consultations, memberships, and workshops, we aim to support the growth of our community and contribute to
the broader global understanding and appreciation of our rich and diverse artistic heritage.
Lets have a chat!
Are you a a university or college?
Are you enriching student experiences by proactively engaging diverse content?
Are you interested in talks and discussions with African diaspora knowledge holders?
We can help
Are you a school needing skills and resources to effectively teach diverse histories?
Are you interested in Expressive Arts for Health and Well-being
We can help

Are you a Yard or Creative Community Space?
Are you interested in international collaborators?
Are you seeking opportunities to connect and build your audience?
Are you looking to access funding and need someone to partner with to deliver?
We can help

Are you a Museum or Library reviewing your collections?
Are you commissioning new work and need guidance?
Do you want to reflect diverse audiences?
We can help